148 Pages - $11.95
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A Bishop Chance Adventure: Book 1
On his 14th birthday, Bishop Chance discovers that nothing in his life is what it seems. The realization that he suddenly has mental control over electronic devices is only the beginning of a thrilling adventure that will change his life forever.
As the secrets of his family history reveal themselves, Bishop learns that his late father, Alabaster, came to Earth sixteen years ago from a parallel dimension. He was followed by Onyx, his evil brother. Alabaster hoped that his infant son Bishop might one day return to his Homeworld and become its leader. Sinister Onyx has been waiting for Bishop to develop his powers and open a portal to the Homeworld, so that he might return to launch a reign of terror. Once he controls that world, Onyx plans to bring his troops back to Earth and to take control of it, as well.
Bishop and his friends follow clues left behind by his father as he searches for the device that will open the portal. Meanwhile, Onyx plans to enslave Bishop, harness his powers and incorporate him in his plan for dual world domination.
Thus, the fates of two worlds rest on Bishop’s shoulders.
He is their Last Chance. Featuring illustrations by Frank Bolle, Bob Wiacek, Roy Richardson and June Brigman. |
194 Pages - $11.95
plus Shipping & Handling
A Bishop Chance Adventure: Book 2
The day that Bishop Chance turned fourteen his life was turned upside down when he suddenly gained the ability to mentally control any electronic device. He soon discovered that he was heir to the throne on another world.
Now, several months later, Bishop thought that life had finally returned to normal until the arrival of two mysterious strangers set into motion a series of events will catapult him and his friends back to the Homeworld.
Teaming up with Gambit, a teenager who claims to be his brother, Bishop must find a way back to the Homeworld and stop a war that broke out soon after his departure. But before he can he is visited by an eccentric man named BJ who appears in the form of a hologram that only Bishop and his girlfriend Mandy can see or hear. BJ's sudden appearance is a mystery that Bishop must solve before time runs out. Will Bishop and his friends be able to overcome their many obstacles before disaster strikes the Homeworld?
What is Gambit's secret? And can it be that the evil warlord Onyx has returned from the dead? It's all here in the thrilling sequel to "The Last Chance."
Featuring illustrations by Frank Bolle, Bob Wiacek, Roy Richardson and June Brigman. |

194 Pages - $11.95
plus Shipping & Handling
A Bishop Chance Adventure: Book 3
Life had become an emotional roller coaster ever since the day that Bishop Chance turned fourteen. His life would never be the same since he gained the ability to mentally control any electronic device. He soon discovered that he was heir to the throne on another world.
When the android Aquarian begins to malfunction, Bishop is forced to bring him to the Homeworld for repairs. While there Bishop and his friends find they must save the Homeworld when the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur. Bishop now faces dangers that use to exist only in the realm of the imagination. From the strange Krazy Kavern Kooks of Krackers Kave to the enigmatic Mr. Boomietrix, Bishop and his companions must use all their wits to unravel the mystery and resolve it before time runs out.
During their journey Mandy gets competition for Bishop’s affection when they encounter Amy on the Homeworld.
As an added bonus there is a mini adventure story starring BJ, the time traveler from their future that previously appeared in Second Chance.
What secrets are revealed and what surprises lay ahead for them? It's all here in the third book in the thrilling Last Chance series. |